Hello and Happy Thursday! It is the first day of June and the weather is still glorious making it very enjoyable riding out every morning! The horses are all going well at home, and as a result running well. Reflecting on May, we had such a great month getting 8 wins and 14 seconds! We certainly can’t complain at that! Delighted for all of our owners! We’ve had a quiet couple of days with no runners; we were gutted to miss Hamilton yesterday but with it having been so warm the last few days the ground just wasn’t right for our horses. We are looking forward to getting back on the track today with 4 runners. Wishing their owners the best of luck:
7.25pm- CARNIVAL TIMES, ridden by Graham Lee, owned by Duchess of Sutherland, Evelyn
7.25pm- SEA GIRT, ridden by Paul Mulrennan, owned by Alex & Janet Card
9pm- ANNANDALE, ridden by Graham Lee, owned by Mr Ms S. Johnstone and Mr W. M. Johnstone
5.22pm- GISELLES IZZY (pictured), ridden by Andrew Mullen, owned by Sons of Stirling

Tomorrow we head to Day 2 of Carlisle with two runners and also head to Doncaster with Ian Jones lovely 3yo, SUTUE ALSHAMS.
1.10pm- BULLS AYE (pictured), ridden by Mark Winn, owned by Mr Gerry McGladery
4.05pm- TWO RIVERS, ridden by Sam James, owned by Mr W. M. Johnstone
8.15pm- SUTUE ALSHAMS, ridden by Andrew Mullen, owned by Mr Ian Jones