It isn’t the nicest of days today. Wet and miserable! We have a busy day none the less. It is workday for the horses, and we have 4 runners heading to Hamilton this afternoon for their fixtures. Kayleigh, Daisy, Hannah, and I are heading with them. I am hoping for a good day. Wishing all of their connections, the best of luck!
1.50pm- THE GLOAMING, ridden by Connor Murtagh, owned by The Strattonites
2.50pm- ROSE BANDIT (pictured), ridden by Andrew Mullen, owned by The Strattonites
3.20pm- CRYSTAL GUARD, ridden by Jamie Gormley, owned by Lets Be Lucky Racing
3.50pm- HAVANA PARTY, ridden by Jamie Gormley, owned by Lets Be Lucky Racing

We are racing again tomorrow and will have an extremely busy day with 6 runners heading to Carlisle and 1 runner heading to Haydock!
I would also like to congratulate our casual work rider, Dom Hislop, on his two wins in the flapping at Hawick on Sunday. One of which being TRICORN. A fantastic result! Well done Dom.